Tuesday, December 28, 2004

A helpless human being

A helpless human being

So it seems my main quest is life and beyond where it leads. ...
Somehow my quest of life it is all connected to a window within myself...
I’m on the journey of finding my inner self…..
It does not take days or months but a life time to uncover what is behind the scenes of the window…
Sometimes gazing blindly into the unpredictable until when it happens that is when the picture is clear...
I surrender to Almighty God and fate –the upper hand for taking the reins of life….
I pray for God’s kindness as I put my whole trust on him…
I stand upon this quest a helpless human being…

Ó2004, Nasra Al Adawi


Blogger Najah said...

'I pray for God’s kindness as I put my whole trust on him'

wonderful poem, but this sentence caught my attention, i was wondering what does 'him' in english mean. Can we say him, her refering to god wal3iyadhu billah. I'm just wondering. If not why him and not her (any linguistic explenation for that) if not both then what should we chose?

12:15 PM  
Blogger iamnasra said...

Good question Naj...As Im aware that Subahna Allah is always refered by HE/HIM. As I recall in Adeya (prayers) you always say Inak Anta Al Ghfour Al Kareem (as Anta not Anti which is female) that is how I wrote it in English llike Arabic...

1:12 PM  

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