After numerous tests the doctor broke the news
Labelled a patient with breast cancer
I felt alone-all I can do is release my tears
The little lump started to grow
An alien rooted in me-my chance of survival is low
They will take my breast-they need to go that far
Left in emptiness-once was…now just a scar
Feeling all numb, its hard to undo the pain
Yet-I could not imagine if I had not taken these steps
I would have missed chances- fading in regrets
It was another chance for the life that was given to me
So You are the famous Cancer…
You came in without invitation
Invaded my life without my permission
All this time your were invisible from my sight
Now you have declared your existence-giving me a fright
Expecting me to fall……
Without even fighting or having any role
Changed the process of my life in a storm
I cannot let you take over my body-my home
I just can not live in fear……
You fill me with pain that I can not steer
So much pain to endure…..
I will prevail beyond any strike- never falter
I'm a survivor
I’m not going to be drawn into grievance
It is enough being a melting Ice
So it is time to break the silence
Break the Ice
I was once bitter and furious
Lived in denial-felt victimized with illness
I knew I needed to fight to overcome the trials
In every hour-every minute has so much worthiness
Rising from a fall is not easy, but gradually I learn to have endurance
Being a survivor-embracing life with gladness
When you take my hands,
When you are there standing by me
I can do it all
When my tears fall
As this soul of mine can not stop its scream
And life seems an everlasting nightmare
I find you there, turning everything into a dream
I'm sure - I can do it all
You taught me that to fall is but a step along the way
Falling, is not the end of the world
Now I take the challenges
With all your teaching - I can do it all
على حـافة السقوط
تنهمر دموع الحياة
وها قلبي على وشك السباق
بين خطوة وأخرى تردد وارتباك
في هذا الدرب المظلم
قوة تدفعني للأمام
لتعبر خطواتي اليوم والغد
فقد حان للغيم أن يتبدد
لا صراع بعد اليوم
بين زمام المجازفة
وتصميم الارادة
انه الدافع للحياة
تعلمتُ الصمود في وجهِ العثرات
أتحسسُ طريقي ماض في ظلمة
أسيرُ حتى يبددُ النورُ السواد
أمضي وقلبيَ المكلوم
سقوطٌ ولا استسلام
أقفُ هاهنا مصغ لدويّ الألم
وإلى النهاية
في وجه تيار المطر
آثارٌ مهملة فوق ذرات الرمال
أزالت الريح ما كان يوماً أثراُ
وهذا الداء يمحو آثار حياتنا
رباه إنا على وهنٍ نستند
رباه امنحنا القوة
أرشد أرواحنا إلى درب الشفاء
عندما لا تقوى روحي على كبتِ صرختها
وتبدو الحياةُ ككابوسٍ أبديّ
أراكَ أمامي،
تحيلُ الكونَ إلى حلمٍ ورديّ
صدقني..سأقهرُ المستحيل
يا من علمتني أن السقوطَ مرحلةٌ
لا آخرَ المطاف
ها أنا أطارحُ التحديات
يسندني حديثك،
فأقهرُ المستحيل
Translated by Translation Group in Sultan Qaboos University
From the Book Within Myself: the Willpoer To Live Beyond Cancer
By Nasra Al Adawi